5,104 research outputs found

    An outline of the historical development of the education systems of Chile, Peru and Venezuela and some implications for their harmonization according to the guidelines of the Andrés Bello Agreement

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    In the Latin American context several economic integrationist processes have arisen during the last two decades, which seek to consolidate economic and political unity as well as search for a new international order. To this end the Latin American Free Trade Association, the Central American Common Market, the Caribbean Free Trade Association and the Andean Pact or Agreement of Cartagena signed by Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela were instituted. On 30th June 1969 the Andres Bello Agreement (ABA) was signed. It resulted from wishes to reinforce the integrationist economic efforts of the Andean. Pact through culture, education and science. The ABA sees the integration of the educational systems of the signatory countries as a key element in pursuit of complete integration.Through the study of the historical development of the educational systems of Chile, Peru and Venezuela, this essay examines the extent to which it is possible to achieve educational integration and the steps taken towards the goal. The first chapter describes the Andres Bello Agreement, its origins, content and organization. Since it would not be possible to analyse and comment on the ABA without describing the economic integrationist efforts made at Latin American and Andean level, an attempt to do so is also included in this chapter. Chapters II, III and IV are devoted to Chile, Perú and Venezuela. Chile was selected because several issues make this nation different from other Andean countries. It has an apparently higher level of economic development and its education system appears to be more developed thanks to the liberal democracy established in the last century. Other factors peculiar to Chile are the introduction of educational reforms modelled on French, German and United States patterns, and its less severe bilingual educational problem.Most of the problems related to underdevelopment, poverty and deprivation are concentrated in Peru's socioeconomic and political life. There is a high rate of illiteracy, unbalanced economic development, poor sanitary and health conditions and so on. There are also over a million of "quechua" speakers most of whom are peasants still using Inca methods of irrigation and cultivation. In modern times Peril' has been characterized as a violent country, whose typical form of government has been military dictatorships and whose educational advance has been minimal. In 1968 the Armed Forces took control of the country once again. This time several social reforms were introduced, among them a Educational Reform that seeks to solve the Peruvian educational problems with a different approach. The setting of this reform and its possible influence in the Andean Region have motivated me to choose Peru.Chapter IV is devoted to Venezuela, whose oil wealth, the overthrow of the dictatorship and the establishment of a democracy have been the main features during the last fifty years of this country's socioeconomic life. The exploitation of oil and other raw materials have allowed Venezuela to experience a fast rate of economic growth. But despite this economic growth and its resultant higher income per capita, the more severe problems concerned with underdevelopment remain unsolved. A considerable number of illiterates, a low school average, as well as a considerable pupil drop out, made of Venezuela an example of the problems that face the educational systems attempted to be integrated by the ABA. Chapter V describes and analyses the actual feasibility of integration of the Andean Region educational systems. Finally, some conclusions and recommendations are made in Chapter VI

    Três Novas Espécies de Peristicta Hagen in Selys (Odonata: Zygoptera: Protoneuridae) do Brasil

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    Three new species of Peristicta Hagen in Selys from Brazil are described and illustrated: P. janiceae from Minas Gerais State (Diamantina, Gouvêa, Lagoa Santa, Serra do Caraça, Serra do Cipó, Urobotanga), P. jalmosi from Goiás State (Chapada dos Veadeiros, Reserva da Universidade de Brasília) and Minas Gerais State (Urobotanga, Lagoa Santa, Ponte Nova, São João del Rey,) and P. muzoni from Mato Grosso State (Serra da Bodoquena). An identifi cation key for males of Peristicta is presented.São descritas e ilustradas três novas espécies de Peristicta Hagen in Selys do Brasil: P. janiceae de Minas Gerais (Diamantina, Gouvêa, Lagoa Santa, Serra do Caraça, Serra do Cipó, Urobotanga), P. jalmosi de Goiás (Chapada dos Veadeiros, Reserva da Universidade de Brasília) e Minas Gerais (Urobotanga, Lagoa Santa, Ponte Nova, São João del Rey) e P. muzoni de Mato Grosso (Serra da Bodoquena). Apresenta-se uma chave de identifi cação para machos das espécies de Peristicta.Fil: Pessacq, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagóica. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales - Sede Esquel. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica; ArgentinaFil: Costa, Janira M.. Museu Nacional "Quinta da Boa Vista"; Brasi

    Eugenio Montero Ríos: o xurisconsulto e o político na Compostela do seu tempo

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    Proxecto expositivo sobre Eugenio Montero RiosEugenio Montero Ríos (Santiago de Compostela, 1832- Madrid, 1914). Logrou todos os cargos aos que podía aspirar calquera dos oligarcas do momento: ministro de Gracia y Justicia en varias ocasións (tres delas no Sexenio) e de Fomento, deputado polo distrito de Santiago de Compostela entre 1886 e 1891, senador vitalicio desde 1889, presidente do Senado en cinco ocasiones, entre 1893 e 1913, presidente do Consejo de Instrucción Pública (1887), do Tribunal Superior de Justicia (1888) e presidiu a Comisión del Tratado de París (1898). Ademais, converteuse no xefe do Partido Liberal, tras a morte de Sagasta en 1903, ao lograr a presidencia do Goberno en 1905. Este proxecto expositivo está baseado no estudio, recompilación e organización dos elementos necesarios para dar unha “semblanza” de tal personaxe, xurisconsulto e o político, e a súa relación coa Compostela do seu tempo. Exposición e publicación promovida polo Ateneo Compostelano, a Cámara de Comercio de Santiago de Compostela, o Colexio de Avogados de Santiago, o Concello de Santiago de Compostela, a Real Sociedade Económica de Amigos do Pais, a Universidade de Santiago de Compostela e a Xunta de Galicia coa Dirección Xeral de Xustiza

    Teaching digital competencies after the pandemic: adaptation of higher education and b-learning in Spain

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    The Spanish educational system has been significantly altered due to the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, a fact that has encouraged the paradigm shift that was taking place during the last decade in relation to the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in educational contexts. New contexts imply constant reflection on the teaching-learning process, especially in a society whose commitment to digital integration increases annually. The most appreciable aspect of these new environments affects the field of higher educationwhich during the last decade has already begun to delve into digital teaching and learning media for different contexts. For this reason, in the present work, a theoretical analysis is carried out that considers the role of ICTs in Spanish society with special interest in their adaptation to higher education - issues that support approaches that go beyond the pure application of ICTs and that highlight new needs in the training of teachers whose Digital Teaching Competence is in constant controversy and analysis. To favor the applicability of this theory, the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and the Open Educational Resources (OERs) are considered as two key tools of the present and future in relation to teacher training in higher education in Spain. All this is discussed in view of the need of the Institutions to adapt to the development of society and not remain in the sideline

    School culture and school effectiveness: cooperation with environment as a leading way of learning

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    In any academic institution two action levels with regards to school organization can be found. On the one hand, the macro-political level basically concerned with educative legislation and how these rule educative institutions. On the other hand, the micro-political level concern-ing school priorities. Along this book chapter we will provide a research based on how the macro and the micro political levels should handle together. Hence, we will basically provide an updated theoretical framework focusing on the most relevant trends. Moreover, we will keep on with a deep analysis of how stakeholders and active agents promote and develop curricular prescriptions. Finally, we will analyze and discuss how far the implementation of educative principles contributes to enhance the students’ interests and assumes their needs for a better teaching-learning process

    Working towards the Sustainable Development Goals: quality digital education during COVID-19

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    The last few years have shown a clear commitment to digital. In the case of the educational field, this new direction is being promoted by global objectives, such as the Sustainable Develop- ment Goals (SDG), specific legislation by each country, or technological progress itself. The Mas- sive Open Online Courses (MOOC) can be a good interrelation of all of them, especially in view of the arrival of the pandemic caused by the COVID-19. A digital proposal whose growth during the second decade of the 21st century has been very significant, some reasons to consider are how it favors lifelong learning and both synchronous and asynchronous teaching-learning methods. That is why in this chapter we intend to provide a reflective analysis of the necessary rethinking of education today and what the role of the MOOC can be in this new context

    Rethinking teacher training: Covid-19 and the rise of e-learning

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has caused an exponential change in the educational environment. The impact of epidemiological situation has been so powerful, that it can be considered that a new paradigm has been born based on semi-presence as new didactic normality. We witness the new and accelerated context where Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have acquired a greater role than they used to ever have. Under this new perspective, which also involves a strong reflection on the teaching-learning processes, a review of existing technological resources and their functionality at present is proposed. Taking all of this into consideration, during the beginning of the 21st century the technological advances in the field of education have been significant. Management platforms, resources on the Internet, or other media and simultaneous interaction are some of the key tools in a world immersed in a rethinking that goes far beyond a classroom

    An interpretative research in the didactic process: critical discourse analysis

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    Roughly speaking, the didactic interaction assumed in any teaching-learning process necessarily needs an internal comprehension and decoding process by the students. Particularly, whenever a teacher develops any teaching process he/she establishes a channel, a code, a system that makes possible communication. In this sense, the language used in the didactic processes is relevant to be analysed as far as it highly contributes to the students’ learning process and enhance to achieve quality and effectiveness. More precisely, the study of language and variety of speech used in education is an area that has aroused great interest and has continued to be studied since the mid twentieth century. In this research we will examine the current theoretical framework and the findings of relevant authors to keep on with the analysis of the language of didactic interaction. Thus, we will restrict our attention to general uses rather than on the analysis of the different linguistic levels. In this paper we will analyse how we use language when teaching, what meanings we convey and how communication is reached in the didactic interaction process